6 x Pharamqo Ment 50 mg x 10ml


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Ment 50 mg x 10ml

Trestolone, also known as 7-methyl-19-nortestosterone (MENT 50), is an experimental androgen/anabolic steroid (AAS) and progestogen drug that has been explored for use as hormonal birth control for males as well as an androgen replacement therapy for men with low testosterone levels. It takes the form of an implant that is inserted into the body’s fat. Trestolone acetate, an androgen ester, and a trestolone prodrug can also be administered as a muscle injection. The 7alpha-methyl group in MENT 50 also stops it from binding to sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG), a protein that binds to androgens (and estrogen) and keeps them from binding to the androgen receptor. If you’ve ever had your testosterone levels checked, you’ll note that total and free testosterone are two separate values. The drug has just a little estrogenic impact. Trestolone was found for the first time in 1963. It wasn’t looked at again until 1990 after that. Trestolone’s clinical trials began in 1993 and have been ongoing ever since. After 2013, there appears to have been no more advancement. The Population Council, a non-profit, non-governmental organization focused on reproductive health, developed the medicine.

Side Effects of Ment 50 mg

Trestolone has a lot of unfavourable side effects, including low oestrogen levels and symptoms including erectile dysfunction and reduced bone mineral density. Trestolone is an androgen agonist, meaning it binds to the androgen receptor, which is the biological target of androgens such as testosterone. It’s also a synthetic progestogen, which means it’s an agonist for the progesterone receptor, which is the biological target of progestogens. Trestolone is antigonadotropic due to its androgenic and progestogenic properties. These actions cause trestolone’s contraceptive effects in males, which result in a reversible decrease in sperm production.


Please wait until you’ve spoken with your doctor before self-administering. After the dosage and cycle have started, you can self-administer the injection. Always consult your doctor for the best results, as he will be able to advise you on the best ways to utilize this steroid.

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